ReBeL has been flying not quite often but nevertheless he has been out there supporting the well known name of the Bastards. alliance.
There hasn't been any story if important significance, although ReB has been on a a couple of 1 vs 1s (including an ex-Bastard, thank you flash for the payout!) on his notorious Rifter, to keep on shape. There has also been a kill of a very new pilot who was trying his luck on Evati belts, where ReBeL took the only frigate size hull in his hangar, the even-more-awesome-looking-after-cubicle, firetail, which was also fairly poor fitted. 125's and double gyros did their job perfectly. (link will follow, KB is under maintenance atm).
Yarrsteday he encountered a pilot named vlewandoski after an invite on a Rifter 1 vs 1. The reason to mention especially this fight is that it was "one of the most excellent fights I have been in vs a Rifter" as ReBeLSKuLL comment.
ReBeL went to a safe spot and vlewandoski warped to him on 60. Both pilots started approaching each other and it was ON. ReBeL started to approach on an angle and closed orbit him on 500. Phased was loaded while neut and guns where pre-heated.
The target vessel was a classic and well respected armor fitted one, although it was Rocket fitted rather than NOS. "Usually pilots flyin' t' armor ones close orbit me in order for their NOS t' operate. I wasn't expectin' a Rocket fitted one t' be honest, with his web I could be badly kitted". And indeed that was his plan, having barrage loaded.
In the beginning of the fight, vlewa indeed came very close to "Exotic Lover",ReBeLs ship. Neut was doing a great job while the auto-cannons and Gyro where hitting hard on the red-boxed Rifters sheild and armor. Wlevandoski realised this when his ship was around half armor while ReBeLs rifter was hitting low sheild, so he started to gain his distance.
"I noticed I was takin' a lot o' damage while he wasn't" ReBeL said, noticing that the targeted frigate was gaining its distance at around 5000-6000 meters. "I though I'd go t' Davy Jones' locker, so I aligned and got ready to warp out" while he was 9000 meters off.
But then something happen. ReBeL was at 25% structure. Vlewandoski got at 0%.
He then dropped fleet while "Exotic Lover" smartly warped out.
Good fight sire!
We would also like to thank one of his corp mateys, Jack, for accepting a wager against ReBeL, paying him 10 millions in the end!
In other news, "EMOTICON KING" himself (yes, that is ReBeLS Meatsheild title) has been participating in the alliances joint operations with Los Chupacabras, having loads of fun kicking the butt of anti-pirate organizations, claiming that they have secured metropolis. Even against his beloved EVE University. More on this roams on flashfresh's awesome blog! "I have t' admit, those Italian scum can sure fly"!
Lastly, you should all be pleased to know that the Bastards. are recruiting, so maybe its time for you all to become flashy and live New Eden as it should be lived!
Happy new year to you all, may 2012 bring you enough RL and spaceship Iskies, so we, The Bastards, can loot and ransom it!
"Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but going on, with all the wisdom and experience can instill in us. " by Hartley Coleridge