Anywayz, this ReBeL decided to go out in null with 3 Alliance-buddies and spread out, catch whatever they could while doing some ratting after a minor sec status hit that had applied on them during a sekret mission.
They killed rats and looked around but most of the time, 0.0 was indeed 0.0 of targets..
At some point, the ReBeL got to a gate at 30km with a corp buddy that shortly after decided to bounce for some ammo and ReBeLs EVE decided to crash! Loggin, land at 30km on gate (duh!) and started burning towards gate, when suddenly: GATEFLASH!
"I'll slow down and see what uncloacks, either kill it or gtfo" was the order form the intelligence implant, so he slowed down his Rifter and kept looking-without-even-blinking- his overview. DRAMIEL!
Hit the POD saver tab (yeah, he has a tab on his overview so he can save his ship and, obviously, POD) while the dram closed down like a 16-year-old on a stripper. SHIT!
ReBeLSKuLL was pointed. Deep breath. "OK, wtf, I'll overheat my guns and neut, I'll overheat my DCU and Armor Rep and either kill or get killed, I WILL fight you to DEATH." Perception and Willpower implants worked very well, not a second wasted.
Dram came really close, web and scram on it, but "damn he is fast". He orbited at around 2k, ReBeLSKuLL also orbiting and taking damage. "...But so is the dram" he noticed. Shields where almost down so ReB used his very HOT, indeed, Rep, while the Dram was taking damage now into armor as well. "this is very tight, it can go either way" ReBeL thought.
Target pilot panicked, so as soon as he got at around 30% armor (ReBeL was just over it), he tried to RUN.
The beauty of barrage! He got at 6k+, the perfect falloff, volleys on him got at 200. BOOM!
He saved his POD. ReB started training signature analysis.
Need moar stories ^^