Friday, 10 June 2011

Meatshield cruising!

Jaguar and Enyo, ReBeL and Delts! Off they went in their cool frigs to chase stuff in lowsec, to pillage, loot and ransom.
So after avoiding a couple of fleets with shinnies, they founded a haulers wreck that was siting 30 km of gate.
"Aarrr, go and check that wreck" delts said, "Aye aye me harty" ReB said and burned towards it.
"58 k of antibiotics." ReBeL said.  "Thats around 19 mill" Deltsbeta replied "And there is a buy order in the system as well!" ReB cheered. He orbited the wreck and collected the frozen corpse while corpie bought a badger 2 jumps out and brough it back to sell the booty!
ISK was split and roam continued. A couple of jumps and they located a MOA and a Rifter, not flying together. Both started D-scaning, MOA landed 40 km from ReBeL's Jag and both started burning towards each other. Delts warped in while ReBeL got scram and orbited at 5000 m in order to avoid possible blasters. Enyo was primaried (got low in structure at some point) but the overheated armor repair 2 did its job wonderfully. MOAs' drones where dying, even though the target scooped them a couple of times, and he wasn't going anywhere. "I'll orbit him at 500 m now" ReBeL said and with his overheated 150s' and the support of a gyro he started pounding the MOAs' shields (Delts had managed to successfully burn his guns and had his hobgoblins as DPS only).  Its obvious that "pwetty" ReB should had looked at the MOAs' guns much much earlier, but at the heat of the moment he didn't think of it.
Anyhow, the bastards manage to successfully chew up his shields and soon after that he went t' Davy Jones' locker! Capsule was scrammed and as it's mentioned on the previous thread, only way to get the point off you is to pay, either with iskies or with your POD! Corpse was added to the cargo-hold for the SKuLL collection.
Our duo kept going until another Bastard joined, Grin on a sexy looking merlin!
System after system, they got to Lamaa where a Dramiel was scanned on a Plex. The Meatshield Bastards activated the gate, ReBeL got all the rat aggro so he burned the opposite way. FC decided that they should warp out, Dram pilot was saying nay nay words on local so the trio decided to show him that they are the true bastards, not him! So they warped back at gate.
But avast! A ruppy lands on the acceleration gate, ReB gets point, close orbit and starts to pew pew, same did the fleet-mates. Enyo was primaried again. "All DPS on drones" was allover coms. Drones where going down, but so did the Enyo. ReBeL keep shooting at the drones. Merlin exploded.
1 Drone left.  The Ruppy at 50% armor. ReBeLS Jag almost full.
"Why the hell I am not doing any damage on the drone" "pwetty" said. "F*ck the drone". OVEERRHEEEATTTED DPS ON RUPPY. 
Ruppy started neuting the bastards Jag. "One circle of point, orbit 500. DCU off" was the implants order (Although taking the DCU off could have been a bad idea considering that it uses just 1 CPU), "don't let him get at range". ReBeL started taking some damage, he was orbiting between 2500 m and 3300, due to the cap being out.
Ruppy at 10. ReBeL was now at 40% sheilds.
"I'll go after the Hobgoblin" ReBeL thought, "get it out of the picture". But It went all wrong for him. A miss-click, one scram circle at the hobgoblin, Ruppy got at range and the mighty Jaguar gave ReBeL his insurance payout.
"[02:05:22] ReBeLSKuLL > lucky cunt gf" was posted on local. It was a good fight after all, and yet one more lesson for the "pwetty" ReBeL bastard! Cause whatever kills us in EVE, makes us stronger.

"Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate after all"

PS: All corpses mentioned above are safely on ReBeLSKuLLS items inventory!
PS2: Any input on my DCU (uses 1GJ) going off or not for cap and Scram (5GJ) is welcomed!

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