Saturday 31 December 2011

Rifters, Ops, The Bastards and a happy New Year!

Yarr t' you all mateys!
ReBeL has been flying not quite often but nevertheless he has been out there supporting the well known name of the Bastards. alliance.
There hasn't been any story if important significance, although ReB has been on a a couple of 1 vs 1s (including an ex-Bastard, thank you flash for the payout!) on his notorious Rifter, to keep on shape. There has also been a kill of a very new pilot who was trying his luck on Evati belts, where ReBeL took the only frigate size hull in his hangar, the even-more-awesome-looking-after-cubicle, firetail, which was also fairly poor fitted. 125's and double gyros did their job perfectly. (link will follow, KB is under maintenance atm).
Yarrsteday he encountered a pilot named vlewandoski after an invite on a Rifter 1 vs 1. The reason to mention especially this fight is that it was "one of the most excellent fights I have been in vs a Rifter" as ReBeLSKuLL comment.
ReBeL went to a safe spot and vlewandoski warped to him on 60. Both pilots started approaching each other and it was ON. ReBeL started to approach on an angle and closed orbit him on 500. Phased was loaded while neut and guns where pre-heated.
The target vessel was a classic and well respected armor fitted one, although it was Rocket fitted rather than NOS. "Usually pilots flyin' t' armor ones close orbit me in order for their NOS t' operate. I wasn't expectin' a Rocket fitted one t' be honest, with his web I could be badly kitted". And indeed that was his plan, having barrage loaded.
In the beginning of the fight, vlewa indeed came very close to "Exotic Lover",ReBeLs ship. Neut was doing  a great job while the auto-cannons and Gyro where hitting hard on the red-boxed Rifters sheild and armor. Wlevandoski realised this when his ship was around half armor while ReBeLs rifter was hitting low sheild, so he started to gain his distance.
"I noticed I was takin' a lot o' damage while he wasn't" ReBeL said, noticing that the targeted frigate was gaining its distance at around 5000-6000 meters. "I though I'd go t' Davy Jones' locker, so I aligned and got ready to warp out" while he was 9000 meters off.
But then something happen. ReBeL was at 25% structure. Vlewandoski got at 0%.
He then dropped fleet while "Exotic Lover" smartly warped out.
Good fight sire!
We would also like to thank one of his corp mateys, Jack, for accepting a wager against ReBeL, paying him 10 millions in the end!

In other news, "EMOTICON KING" himself (yes, that is ReBeLS Meatsheild title) has been participating in the alliances joint operations with Los Chupacabras, having loads of fun kicking the butt of anti-pirate organizations, claiming that they have secured metropolis. Even against his beloved EVE University. More on this roams on flashfresh's awesome blog!  "I have t' admit, those Italian scum can sure fly"!

Lastly, you should all be pleased to know that the Bastards. are recruiting, so maybe its time for you all to become flashy and live New Eden as it should be lived!

Happy new year to you all, may 2012 bring you enough RL and spaceship Iskies, so we, The Bastards, can loot and ransom it!

"Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but  going on, with all the wisdom and experience can instill in us. " by Hartley Coleridge

Friday 10 June 2011

Meatshield cruising!

Jaguar and Enyo, ReBeL and Delts! Off they went in their cool frigs to chase stuff in lowsec, to pillage, loot and ransom.
So after avoiding a couple of fleets with shinnies, they founded a haulers wreck that was siting 30 km of gate.
"Aarrr, go and check that wreck" delts said, "Aye aye me harty" ReB said and burned towards it.
"58 k of antibiotics." ReBeL said.  "Thats around 19 mill" Deltsbeta replied "And there is a buy order in the system as well!" ReB cheered. He orbited the wreck and collected the frozen corpse while corpie bought a badger 2 jumps out and brough it back to sell the booty!
ISK was split and roam continued. A couple of jumps and they located a MOA and a Rifter, not flying together. Both started D-scaning, MOA landed 40 km from ReBeL's Jag and both started burning towards each other. Delts warped in while ReBeL got scram and orbited at 5000 m in order to avoid possible blasters. Enyo was primaried (got low in structure at some point) but the overheated armor repair 2 did its job wonderfully. MOAs' drones where dying, even though the target scooped them a couple of times, and he wasn't going anywhere. "I'll orbit him at 500 m now" ReBeL said and with his overheated 150s' and the support of a gyro he started pounding the MOAs' shields (Delts had managed to successfully burn his guns and had his hobgoblins as DPS only).  Its obvious that "pwetty" ReB should had looked at the MOAs' guns much much earlier, but at the heat of the moment he didn't think of it.
Anyhow, the bastards manage to successfully chew up his shields and soon after that he went t' Davy Jones' locker! Capsule was scrammed and as it's mentioned on the previous thread, only way to get the point off you is to pay, either with iskies or with your POD! Corpse was added to the cargo-hold for the SKuLL collection.
Our duo kept going until another Bastard joined, Grin on a sexy looking merlin!
System after system, they got to Lamaa where a Dramiel was scanned on a Plex. The Meatshield Bastards activated the gate, ReBeL got all the rat aggro so he burned the opposite way. FC decided that they should warp out, Dram pilot was saying nay nay words on local so the trio decided to show him that they are the true bastards, not him! So they warped back at gate.
But avast! A ruppy lands on the acceleration gate, ReB gets point, close orbit and starts to pew pew, same did the fleet-mates. Enyo was primaried again. "All DPS on drones" was allover coms. Drones where going down, but so did the Enyo. ReBeL keep shooting at the drones. Merlin exploded.
1 Drone left.  The Ruppy at 50% armor. ReBeLS Jag almost full.
"Why the hell I am not doing any damage on the drone" "pwetty" said. "F*ck the drone". OVEERRHEEEATTTED DPS ON RUPPY. 
Ruppy started neuting the bastards Jag. "One circle of point, orbit 500. DCU off" was the implants order (Although taking the DCU off could have been a bad idea considering that it uses just 1 CPU), "don't let him get at range". ReBeL started taking some damage, he was orbiting between 2500 m and 3300, due to the cap being out.
Ruppy at 10. ReBeL was now at 40% sheilds.
"I'll go after the Hobgoblin" ReBeL thought, "get it out of the picture". But It went all wrong for him. A miss-click, one scram circle at the hobgoblin, Ruppy got at range and the mighty Jaguar gave ReBeL his insurance payout.
"[02:05:22] ReBeLSKuLL > lucky cunt gf" was posted on local. It was a good fight after all, and yet one more lesson for the "pwetty" ReBeL bastard! Cause whatever kills us in EVE, makes us stronger.

"Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate after all"

PS: All corpses mentioned above are safely on ReBeLSKuLLS items inventory!
PS2: Any input on my DCU (uses 1GJ) going off or not for cap and Scram (5GJ) is welcomed!


This last week has been great for ReBeL, having loads of fun with the Bastards, shooting and looting!
So, yarrsteday Reb and a corpie where drinking their grog in a Hadozeko belt, when a slasher landed.
ReBeLSKuLLS ruppy quickly warped in, got point and started shooting while Zach was on warp from the off-grid.
"whoa his going do- his dead" he said on vent and smartly held point on capsule. Invite to the ransom channel and click to see age.
"[ 2011.06.09 03:14:51 ] Anton Barksdale > this account is only 1 day old so i probably wont ransom :P"
Well everyone has to pay one way or another. Its POD or ransom and ransom it was! Nice idea Zach!
"Anton Barksdale > On the open seas I encountered a captain named rebelskull;
The two seconds of combat were never dull and ended when he destroyed my hull."

Saturday 4 June 2011


Well as you have noticed ReBeLions background has changed and thats only because ReBeL will be flying with The Bastards from now on!!

"Being a pirate is the best way to fly around. I can't see any reason not want to be flying with a couple of mateys and shoot stuff or get some iskies not to." ReBeL said on our exclusive interview. 
So now expect some cool PIRAT and ransom stories, he will be drinking RUM and hold the pirate banner as high as he can. 

"The down side of it was that I have to have this parrot in my POD all the time. He keeps repeating the low structure noise in every engagement." ReBeL said laughing -yet you could see his angriness in his eyes.
He had a last zip from his rum and stood up.
"So if you see me around, surrender the booty" ReB said and walked away towards his chambers..

In other news, CLEAR SKIES 3 IS FINALLY OUT SO DO WATCH IT!!! (can't link it cause I keep getting some random kittens video :S :@)

Or you can download it here  (Thank you USnameri)

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Clear Skies Trailer!

Not the story of ReBeL, but a hell of a series!! Part 3 trailer!!
Can't wait!

Friday 22 April 2011

Alrighty focks!

Well Its been a long time since my last post and it will be another month or so.
ReBeL has been around but not so much, apparently getting more minmatar-rusty in ship flying but new stories will be posted of his roams in a months time, where I will have some more time following him in his roams!
So, keep up on what you doing and ReBeL will be back in no time, think of it like a loooooong skill training!
Cheers, be well and fly flashy!!

Saturday 26 February 2011

"Oh noes, my (fire)tail is on fire.."

Well ReBeL had started flying Firetails and after chating with Heribeck for a couple of days, he was finally able to get some space ship time. Off to nullsec then for some fun!
Heri and ReB had located a gang, although their Firetail and Falcon couldn't engage it and awaited for some reinforcements. But gang decided to bounce so ReB and Heri kept roaming, in order to find a prey and make a  successful hit on the insurance companies.
Bug Akane was seen earlier on a Thrasher and located on a system they jumped in.
ReB was exited: "With the falcons support, he is toasted! My firetail could be a great bait!" he thought and immediately started D-scaning while Heribeck bubbled up.
"Watch out ReB, that thing is a frig killer!" said Beck in a worrying voice. "Don't worry, its all under control" ReBeL said, but little did he know..
The Thrasher pilot D-scaned ReBeL and landed 40 km away from him. "Warp to me" ReB said and started approaching, but so did the target. "I am quite far, watch out.." Heri warned ReBeLSKuLL. He started orbiting close range, activated suitcase aka DCU and started firing only after his shields where half way down.
"I'm going down.." ReB said, and tried to warp out at low armor. Offcourse, scrams where on him and like a mosquito on a web, he died fast, while Heri was still in warp.
Now, it is clear that ReB did everything he could to assist the Thrasher into successfully blowing up his ship. He didn't burned opposite of the Thrasher, in order to buy some time for his fleetmate to get there. When his shields went very low, he didn't try to burn away and warp out and waited after his armor went low.
This was an old character and as expected, he killed ReB fast, without any real resistance.
Blood will be spilled!

Monday 21 February 2011


Well, I think the title speaks for itself. ReBeL doesn't know exactly when he will be able to go out for some new endeavors, although he is seen occasionally doing quick roams on null looking for fast food!
So this blog is not abandoned, it's just POSTPONED!
Please keep the insurance companies busy!

Friday 28 January 2011

Uno, dos, tres, I'm only enaging Rifters!

ReBeL logged into his SERIOUZ biznes of pew pewing random spaceships and was in his very cool ride, a '69 mustang, aka tha Riftah! One of his many important chat tabs went flashy and an intel of 2 Rifters on the next system was reported.
"What a nice thing to log and have an engagement!" he though and once again, he didn't lose any time. As anyone would expect, ReB undocked, warped to gate and made an entranc (e is missing for the purpose of the "cool guy" effect)! Although Rifters where reported on a bubble on another gate, targets where now on the gate of the system he had jumped in.
"So, I am cloacked, my corpmate is on system and they are at 65 killometers" he wondered as he was looking at his overview the 2 ships. "Stand by" was given in vent, he started OGCing the gate at 500.
Riftahs started approaching...
He had a plan. And when he does, it usually works. "Warp to gate" he said to his corp buddy, while he started whistling looking like he has no idea why these Riftahs are coming towards him -ReBeL was just buying time for his buddy to get there (duh, obviously stupid!). Targets reached 20k and 45 k, friendly was at 1AU in warp so he decided that it was action time!
The ReB picked the target that was close, started orbiting him at 7K while holding scram & point and started whistling on a different tone, the "barrage" one!
Second Rif made its move, friendly  'cane was supporting while locked ship was melting, until it went POP, POD was scramed and engaged, while the 'cane gave to tha othah Riftah its insurance PAYOUT!
And he also saved ReBs ship, which was overheated and on 37% structure with no spare ductape. Hero!
Oh, almost forgot, PODS where POPED too. Its the natural progression of such things after all!

Corpy-dude and our main hero of this blog, decided to proceed within various nullsec systems after the appropriate loot picking and repairs, looking for another successful collaboration. Some systems had targets, ReBeLSKuLL practised his D-scanning but nothing looked engagable, or systems where too quite.
ReB: "Rifter on my gate at 30."
Green: "There is a bubble on my gate. I will try and get through."
ReB: "Rifter is warping towards you, catch him"
Green:" Warp here, you'll catch him in the bubble."
He was already in warp, thinking if this is a trap.
"You can catch him as well" ReBeLSKuLL advised the corpy, but green was already 100 km away from bubble, on gate.
The ReBeL had landed just out of the bubble, while Riftah numba 3 was trapped. Overheated ReBeLs Riftah approached trapped neutral in order to damage the insurance companies with more payouts, while friendly was watching the show drinking his Quafe and eating starcakes in his comfy bridge of the cane. Scram & point where already on insurance damage dealer, barrage was once again ReBs theme song choice (although he was orbiting at 1.5k, no point of changing ammo since neutral was going down fast) and...EXPLOSION! POD was also pointed, but went at 13k, lost scram and POD kill.
"Shit!". "Shit, shit shit!". "I let the pod go" ReB said in a very annoyed manner, although his sexy looking frig was fed for the day. "gf" in local as tradition requires was posted and "cool kill dude" was on ventilo, although this particular kill was more the targets fault, rather than his skill.
"He targeted me after he was on structure!" ReBeL said in a wondering tone. Buddies had a brief chat and desided to move towards a new destination: tha station!
ReBeL was reported saying: "Now that was as a very successful attack to the EBIL insurance companies!".
From his words, one can only assume that ReBeLion in New Eden has indeed started...

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Dram tam tam!

The Rifter! A ship that he always admired but never managed to do a 1vs1 properly, since always a bad fleet-buddy would come in and make him an easy catch. Or, he would be caught at the great situation of getting killed by instalocks on gates!
Anywayz, this ReBeL decided to go out in null with 3 Alliance-buddies and spread out, catch whatever they could while doing some ratting after a minor sec status hit that had applied on them during a sekret mission. 
They killed rats and looked around but most of the time, 0.0 was indeed 0.0 of targets..
At some point, the ReBeL got to a gate at 30km with a corp buddy that shortly after decided to bounce for some ammo and ReBeLs EVE decided to crash! Loggin, land at 30km on gate (duh!) and started burning towards gate, when suddenly: GATEFLASH!
"I'll slow down and see what uncloacks, either kill it or gtfo" was the order form the intelligence implant, so he slowed down his Rifter and kept looking-without-even-blinking- his overview. DRAMIEL!
Hit the POD saver tab (yeah, he has a tab on his overview so he can save his ship and, obviously, POD) while the dram closed down like a 16-year-old on a stripper. SHIT!
ReBeLSKuLL was pointed. Deep breath. "OK, wtf, I'll overheat my guns and neut, I'll overheat my DCU and Armor Rep and either kill or get killed, I WILL fight you to DEATH." Perception and Willpower implants worked very well, not a second wasted.
Dram came really close, web and scram on it, but "damn he is fast". He orbited at around 2k, ReBeLSKuLL also orbiting and taking damage. "...But so is the dram" he noticed. Shields where almost down so ReB used his very HOT, indeed, Rep, while the Dram was taking damage now into armor as well. "this is very tight, it can go either way" ReBeL thought.
Target pilot panicked, so as soon as he got at around 30% armor (ReBeL was just over it), he tried to RUN.
The beauty of barrage! He got at 6k+, the perfect falloff, volleys on him got at 200. BOOM!
He saved his POD. ReB started training signature analysis.